(727) 393-6100

11444 Seminole Blvd. Largo, FL 33778


Click here to download our New Patient Data Form.


For your convenience, the Doctors at Florida Center For Back & Neck Pain are participating in nearly every insurance plan.

  • HMO's, and PPO's
  • Auto Accident Insurance
  • Workers Comp Insurance
  • Medicare Including Railroad
  • Medicaid
  • Medicare Advantage Plans
  • Medicaid HMO's
  • Employer Sponsored Plans And Union Policies
  • Veterans With Authorization

If you do not have insurance, your benefits are exhausted, or you have limited coverage or a high deductible, we offer payment plans, and discounts for payment at the time of service.

  • We also accept: Cash, Checks, Credit Cards and Care Credit™, and HSA's.
  • We accept Letters of Protection from Attorney's.

Remember that insurance is a contract between you and your insurance company. We cannot guarantee what they will pay. We must collect copayments, coinsurances, and/or deductibles at the time of service. We will verify coverage on your behalf, however, final decision about what is covered is by your insurer at they time they consider the claim. If it differs from what they quote to us, we can appeal but cannot guarantee outcome.

Please respond quickly to questions from your insurer.